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Academic Activities :


For normal section Academic Session begins from the month of January in every year  . Various academic activities are carried  through out the year & session ends in December. For Class XI session ranges from July to April and for Class XII it ranges from May to March. Syllabus , Courses , Evaluation process etc. are conducted according to the guidelines of WBBSE & WBCHSE.

Normal Section

Class : V  contains three sections : A, B, C

Class : VI    contains  three sections : A, B, C

Class : V II   contains  three sections : A, B, C

Class : V III   contains  three sections : A, B, C

Class : IX   contains  three sections : A, B, C

Class : X   contains  two sections : A, B


H.S Section

(i) General Stream  :  Science , Arts , Commerce


Section A : Science , Commerce , Arts Girls


Section B : Arts Boys


(ii) Vocational Stream :  Agriculture

Summative Evaluation

Probable Date of Different Summative Evaluation :

1st Summative Evaluation (S1) :  April

2nd Summative Evaluation (S2) : August

3rd Summative Evaluation (S3) : November


Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation

Class V : 

Formative = 10+20+20 , Summative = 10+20+50

Class VI - VIII:

Formative = 20+20+20 , Summative = 15+25+70

Class IX & X :

Formative = 10+10+10 , Summative = 40+40+90

Created and Maintained by Partha Ghosh , Department Of Physics

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Disclaimer :

This is an individual / group  endeavour to provide help & support to all the students . It is not directly linked with school administration . All efforts have been made to make the information as accurate as possible, Neither Dhupguri High School Nor Admin of the website is  responsible for any loss to any person caused by inaccuracy in the information available on this Website. Any discrepancy found may be brought to the notice of Authority.


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