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Rules and Regulations for the students :


1. Students who are irregular in classes and remain absent without prior intimation are liable to guardian call. 

2. Those who do not secure the required percentage of attendance are liable to take action as per the Board and the Council norms. 

3. Students who spoil, misuse or destroy school property, library books and laboratory instruments are liable to take action as per rule. 

4. Students of practical based subjects must have their attendance in both practical and theoretical classes. 

5. Those who do not attend at the theoretical classes will not be allowed in practical classes. 

6. Every student must have school badge and school uniform. 

7. In off-periods and class hours, the students are restricted to wander aimlessly in the school compound. 

8. Students are not allowed to ride cycles through veranda.

9. Writing on the walls is liable to take action as per rule.


10. Students are bound to keep the school premises clean and hygienic.


11.  Use of Mobile phones by the Students in the school boundary during school hours is strictly restricted. 



1. ( President )

2 Mr Ashoke  Mojumder (Secretary)

3. Mr Partha Ghosh (T.R)

4. Mr Mrinal Ray ( T.R)

5. Mr Sanjit Kr Roy( T.R)

6. Mr Anindya Barua (N.T.R)

7. (PIE)

8. (P.I.E)

9. Guardian Representative

10. Guardian Representative

11. S.I of school's

12. Medical Representative






1. Staff Council.


2. Academic Council.


3. Disciplinary Committee.


4. Cultural Committee.


5. Games & Sports Committee.


6. School Magazine Committee.

7. Development Committee


Different Sub Committee

Created and Maintained by Partha Ghosh , Department Of Physics

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Disclaimer :

This is an individual / group  endeavour to provide help & support to all the students . It is not directly linked with school administration . All efforts have been made to make the information as accurate as possible, Neither Dhupguri High School Nor Admin of the website is  responsible for any loss to any person caused by inaccuracy in the information available on this Website. Any discrepancy found may be brought to the notice of Authority.


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